Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Top Ten Reasons to Vote Yes on Y&Z: #2

Reason #2: Measures Y and Z are smart investments for property owners that will help to maintain the value of our homes in Torrance.

Passing both measures Y and Z will mean an additional $48/$100,000 of assessed value (remember, that's NOT your market value) in property taxes for each property owner in Torrance; that works out to $4 per $100,000 in assessed value per month. Most Torrance property owners would pay about $150-$250, an investment in our schools that we can afford.

If you want to see your home's assessed value, just go to the County Assessor's site (HERE) and look it up.

And remember an extra bonus -- our additional property taxes are actually tax deductible, which reduces the actual cost to you.

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