Friday, October 24, 2008

The Anti-Measure Y and Z Campaign & Their Amazing Website

I was reading my Sample Ballot to go over both the Pro and Anti arguments for Measures Y and Z, just to do my due diligence and see what arguments there were against it.

The Anti argument (authored by Rick Marshall and a few others) is rather pathetic, to be frank. At one point, they argue the bonds shouldn't be including money for maintenance because it's not proper to borrow for those expenditures. Then, in another spot, they're arguing this reserve for maintaining the improvements is "a good idea" but that "it's not enough". At least you'd think they could be internally consistent in what they're arguing.

So needless to say there was nothing they were arguing that made me question my support for the bond measures. However, there was something they brought up that was of great interest: the donors to the Pro-Y and Z campaign.
Have you seen who is donating to the campaign to pass the bonds? They plan to raise over $150,000 to pass these measures. Please see our website for the entire list from the last time and for the latest information.
I was so anxious to see who the supporters were so I could thank them, so I went to the website they listed: It's rather comical what's there -- a blank GoDaddy webpage that's plastered with advertisements for kitchen and home remodeling. See for yourself.

If they really had a compelling reason to oppose the bond measures, you'd think they'd be blaring it all across town. I doubt they're going under the radar with a stealth campaign, but who knows? I think it's much more likely that they simply don't have anything really to say, other than "taxes are bad". And since Torrance voters are smart enough to understand that schools don't magically take care of themselves, that just won't sell.

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